February 19: ASBC Lecture and Meeting

February 19: ASBC Lecture and Meeting
Cornett B108
Dr. Kendrick Brown, Pacific Forestry Centre: Exploring Ecosystem Change in BC and Applying Paleoecological Records to Water Management.

This talk will examine how vegetation, fire and climate have changed in BC over millennia, with a focus on the south coastal region. It will also explore how paleoecological records can be applied in the management of resources, with emphasis on the Sooke Lake Reservoir.

Kendrick received his PhD from University of Victoria. He completed two post docs at the University of California and Duke University before joining the Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. In 2010 he joined the Canadian Forest Service as a research scientist. His current research focuses on examining fire regime change on different spatial and temporal scales, quantifying charcoal in soils, and examining fire impacts on water resource.

For information, e-mail asbcvictoria@gmail.com

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