April 7: Dr. Iain McKechnie and Dr. Chris Neufeld

Dr. Chris Neufeld from Quest University and the Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre will be on campus in the Department of Anthropology tomorrow afternoon presenting on:

'Life and death on a small island: Novel interactions between wolves, sea otters, and people in Kyuquot Sound, BC’

This will be followed by Dr. Iain McKechnie talking on:
’The Fur Trade before the Fur Trade: Towards a (zoo)archaeology of Sea Otters in Coastal BC

This is intended as an informal interdisciplinary exchange. Please feel free to attend in Cornett Building, room B235 from 130-3pm.

For those of you who rarely frequent Cornett, Room B235 is on the second floor on the north side of the building (and happens to be Geography’s /Dr. Duffus' old 'whale lab’:).