April 6: Anthropology Honours Student Conference

Anthropology Honours Student Conference

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016, 11:30– 1:00

Cornett B250

Please join us as the 2016 honours students present their research.

Everyone welcome.

~ 11:30 Introductory Remarks ~


~ Jay Devine~
Functional Morphology and Morphometric Integration in Sadlermiut Humeri: A Biocultural Approach to Behavioral Reconstruction


~ Meaghan Efford~
The Implications of Thermogenic Modification for Anthropological Recovery of Burned Bone


~ Dayna Fleming~
The Politics of Preservation: A Critical Analysis of "Archaeological Significance" in the Case of Grace Islet


~ Sierra McKinney~
Adorning the Dead: A Bio-Archaeological Analysis of Ochre Application to Gravettian Burials


~ Cheyenne Smith ~

Disease Does not Discriminate: HIV Prevention Initiatives within Indigenous Communities


~ Taylor Smith~

Conflicting Cases: A Bibliometric Analysis of the Role of Case Studies in Paleopathology

Papers will be 10 minutes each, with discussion after each presentation.

Coffee and snacks to follow.