April 18: Stephanie Calce, Final Oral Examination PhD

Notice of the Final Oral Examination for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy of STEPHANIE CALCE, Department of Anthropology
MSc (University of Toronto, 2010)
BSc (University of Toronto, 2005)

“Osteoarthritis of the Human Skeleton: An Evaluation of Age, Activity, and Body Size in Load-Bearing Joint Regions”

Read abstract.

Monday, April 18, 2016
David Turpin Building
Room A144

Supervisory Committee:
Dr. Helen Kurki, Department of Anthropology, University of Victoria (Supervisor)
Dr. Lisa Gould, Department of Anthropology, UVic (Member)
Dr. Darlene Weston, Department of Anthropology, UBC (Outside Member)

External Examiner:
Dr. Angela Lieverse, Department of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Saskatchewan

Chair of Oral Examination:
Dr. Gary MacGillivray, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, UVic
Dr. David Capson, Dean, Faculty of Graduate Studies