Saturday, March 14, 12 noon: Dr. Josiah Heyman, Experiences at the U.S. - Mexico Border

Dr. Heyman is an engaged anthropologist with 30 years of experience living and conducting research on the U.S.-Mexico border. His work focuses on borders, states, power, immigration law enforcement, public issues and engaged social sciences. Dr. Heyman has participated in numerous community initiatives addressing public policies and human rights at the U.S.-Mexico border. He is the author of Finding a Moral Heart for U.S. Immigration Policy: An Anthropological Perspective and Life and Labor on the Border: Working People of Northeastern Sonora, Mexico, 1886-1986. Dr. Heyman holds the endowed professorship in Border Trade Issues and is the director of UTEP’s Center for Inter-American and Border Studies (CIBS).


Dr. Josiah Heyman: An Academic in Activist Coalitions: Experiences at the U.S. - Mexico Border

Director, Centre for Interamerican and Border
Studies, Professor of Anthropology, and
Endowed Professor of Border Trade Issues
University of Texas at El Paso

Saturday, March 14, 12 noon
Harry Hickman Building, Room 116

The border between Mexico and the United States has long been characterized by contestation and violent conflict as well as economic collaboration. The post-1848 frontier stretches over three thousand kilometres of semi-arid and dessert terrain from the Pacific Ocean to the Gulf of Mexico; it is the most crossed border in the world. This transcontinental division is an area of commonality and shared economic dependencies, despite income differentials and cultural differences. Professor Heyman is an engaged anthropologist with over thirty years’ experience of residing in this milieu and conducting research on migration, mobility, and state control on the US-Mexico border. His longstanding work on migration issues has led him to to take an active role in public policy, focusing on alternative migration and border policies for the United States.

Additional lecture:The Border Network for Human Rights:

From Community organizing to Public Policy ActionDate: Monday, 16 March, Time: 2:30 pm
Place: Centre for Global Studies, C168 Sedgewick Building