Anthropology's primatologists produce the First Annual Lemur Rescue Calendar

Anthropology's primatologists  Tara Clarke, PhD candidate and Lisa Gould, Professor produce the First Annual Lemur Rescue Calendar.

You can see the calendar here:

Lemur Love is a non-profit organization composed of Marni LaFleur, Tara Clarke and Lisa Gould (professor here in the Anth. dept). Our current mission is to help the Reniala Lemur Rescue Center in southern Madagascar. Young ring-tailed lemurs are often captured after their mothers are hunted for the illegal bushmeat trade, and the infants enter the illegal pet trade and live in horrific conditions. But sometimes they are rescued and sent to the Lemur Rescue Center. The people at LRC are doing a GREAT job of caring for and re-socializing these little lemurs, but they really need more funds to continue their excellent work. We (Lemur Love) are selling 2015 calendars, the proceeds of which will be sent to the LRC. Each month features a photo of the wonderful rescued ring-tailed lemurs now living at the rescue center.
If you live in Victoria, contact me (Lisa Gould) directly about ordering and payment ($20 but $17 if you pay cash and can pick it up from me—contact me at, if you live elsewhere please go to the Lemur Love website store and you'll see the calendar offered. You can also pay directly via Paypal on our Lemur Love webpage.