First Bulletin – Alan Astbury Memorial Symposium

We are pleased to announce that the Alan Astbury Memorial Symposium will be held at the University of Victoria on April 27-28 this year. This two-day meeting will focus on Alan's professional interests during his career. Topics will include physics at the high-energy frontier, and the production of isotopes for nuclear physics and medicine. Dr. Rolf Heuer, CERN Director General, will present the inaugural Astbury Lecture, a public talk on the night of April 27th.

Full details are available on this webpage, which will be regularly updated. Please note the links for registration, and recommended accommodation options.

We hope to see you in Victoria for this event, and please feel free to contact the organizers at We are grateful for the generous support of the University of Victoria, TRIUMF, and the Institute of Particle Physics.

Symposium Organizing Committee

Richard Keeler, Chair (UVic)
Reiner Kruecken (TRIUMF)
Rob McPherson (UVic/IPP)
Adam Ritz (UVic)
Randall Sobie (UVic/IPP)