Solar Eclipse Open House at UVic Observatory

Join us on Monday, August 21 from 9:00-11:30am for a special public open house at the UVic Observatory (5th floor of Bob Wright Centre) to view the solar eclipse. The eclipse will be visible at 90% coverage from Victoria. The eclipse begins at 9:08am, reaches maximum coverage at 10:20 and will end at 11:38.

Eclipse glasses will be provided for the public to use and share, and special solar telescopes will project an image of the Sun on a small white screen (attached to the telescope) to clearly show the eclipse. Looking at the Sun directly, even during maximum coverage, is damaging to your eyes. We request the public to leave the eclipse glasses behind after use. Our department does not have any eclipse glasses available for sale.

The event is free and no pre-registration is necessary. The observatory will be open for the duration, and you are welcome to come and go as you wish.

Detailed information regarding the solar eclipse, safe viewing practices and suggested eclipse glasses may be found at the NASA Solar Eclipse 2017 website:

The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada solar eclipse page also provides extensive solar eclipse information:

Please contact the Physics & Astronomy General Office (250-721-7700) if you need any further information.