Taylor Josephy travels to Zambia for CAPI 2019 internship

SEOS student Taylor Josephy
Taylor Josephy, undergraduate Earth Science and Environmental Conservation student

For three months, Earth Science and Environmental Restoration student Taylor Josephy will be living in Zambia working with The Sustainability through Agriculture and Microenterprises (SAM) Project.

The SAM Project operates in the drylands of rural Zambia with an objective of helping those who have been denied basic human rights to achieve dignity and benefit from sustainable livelihoods.

Throughout his three months, Taylor will be working alongside SAM, the local tribal leadership, various government offices and rural communities to inspect the feasibility of diversifying Zambia’s rainwater harvesting strategies to improve food and water security in drought-prone areas.

The academic adventure will mark Josephy's sixth trip to Zambia but his first trip participating in UVic’s Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives internship program, which is funded by the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarships (QES) program.

In operation since 2013, CAPI has sent five UVic Science students on life-changing placements with different non-governmental organizations across the Asia-Pacific. 

To keep up with Josephy while he travels Zambia's Southern Province check out his blog at: https://www.uvic.ca/research/centres/capi/internships/home/intern-participants/index.php