Biology Grad Wins Jubilee Medal

Congratulations to Lauren Wotton, Biology BSc and winner of the University of Victoria Jubilee Medal for Science! 

Lauren is graduating with the highest possible grade point average of 9 out of 9.  In addition to the Jubilee Medal, Lauren has received a UVic Excellence Scholarship, as well as the B. W. Pearce Science Scholarship, the Dr. Valentine Guy Criswick Scholarship, the Edythe Hembroff-Schleicher Scholarship and the Mrs. Annie Greskiw Scholarship in Pre-Medical Studies. Lauren also received a Canadian Society for Mucopolysaccharide and Related Diseases Summer Research Grant, and she is spending the summer working in the Choy lab.

In addition to her studies, Lauren is a dedicated volunteer. She gives her time to a number of sports organizations, including the BC Winter Games, Operation Trackshoes, and Just for Kicks - a soccer program for people with disabilities. Lauren’s career goal is to work in a medical laboratory, ideally as a pathologist. She will take a year to spend time with family and to travel before pursuing medicine or other post graduate studies. Congratulations Lauren!

Lauren Wotton