AXYS Webinar: Wave Energy Resource Assessments and Conversion Technology Modelling - Marine Renewable Resources

AXYS Webinar: Wave Energy Resource Assessments and Conversion Technology Modelling - Marine Renewable Resources

Join us to hear Senior Research Engineer, Dr. Bryson Robertson, speak about the work the West Coast Wave Initiative (WCWI) at the University of Victoria is doing to determine the feasibility, impacts and possible structure of wave energy conversion on the west coast of Canada. Combing the comprehensive wave data from two WatchMate buoys and one TRIAXYS buoy as well as numerical SWAN models, WCWI is at the cutting edge of developing wave energy resource assessment methods, numerical simulation tools for Wave Energy Converters and numerical grid integration toolboxes to create the most accurate possible assessment of the feasibility of wave energy conversion in British Columbia.

Contact: Bryson Robertson