AXYS Technologies Inc™ Site Visit

One of the West Coast Wave Initiative’s partners, AXYS Technologies Inc™, was gracious enough to provide several members of the WCWI team with a tour of their design and manufacturing facilities.  The tour stared with a brief display describing their SmartView™ software which provides a means to visually view data collected by the AXYS Data Management System™.  This was followed by a brief walk through the electronic assembly and final test facilities where the team was introduced to the WatchMan500™, AXYS’ custom designed intelligent, two-way communicating I/O platform.

The tour completed with a visit to the warehouse where the team was able to examine a portfolio of devices offered by AXYS.

Figure 1 

Figure 01: Left – TRIAXYS™ Directional Wave Buoy; Right – WatchKeeper™ Wave Buoy

Figure 1

Figure 02: Left –NOMAD™ Wave Buoy; Right – WCWI Team in front of a 3 Metre Buoy™

AXYS Technlogies Inc™ is an ISO 9001-2008 registered Canadian company, located in Sidney, British Columbia. AXYS commenced operations in 1974 as an oceanographic consulting company. Over the past 38 years, AXYS has evolved into a world leader in the provision of turnkey environmental monitoring systems, providing over 500 systems to clients in 50 countries. AXYS’ main product lines include, TRIAXYS™ directional wave buoys, meteorological ocean buoys, WindSentinel™ wind resource assessment buoys, water quality buoys, and port and vessel traffic management solutions. AXYS’ Field Service Specialists offer training and continued support to customers in the operation and maintenance of all products.

Contact: Bryson Robertson