Post-doc fellow

Post-doc fellow

Bruce Wallace is the successful candidate for the Post-Doctoral Fellowship with the ELPH team. His PhD is from the University of British Columbia, where he focused on oral health inequities in BC. Bruce comes with extensive knowledge of the not-for-profit sector, providing him with practical knowledge of the complexities involved in developing collaborations to engage policies to inform practice, such as the application of a health equity lens. Bruce has a keen interest and experience in working with agencies focused on mental health, substance use, and poverty. This includes being the founding Executive Director of a local non-profit agency addressing homelessness that engaged the street community in service provision and policy evaluation, a decade of involvement with the Movie Monday Society using media arts to educate about mental illness and stigma, and with the Society of Living Intravenous Drug Users (SOLID). Bruce is a co-investigator with a CIHR funded “Equity-oriented Primary Health Care Interventions for Marginalized Populations: Addressing Structural Inequities and Structural Violence” and Vancouver Foundation funded “The Role of Transitional Housing in Recovery from Homelessness and Substance Use”. 

Contact: Kathleen Perkin