IESVic webinar: H2 Extraction from Hydrogen-Enriched Natural Gas (HENG) using Membrane Technology

Dr. Yousif Alcheikhhamdon


Wednesday, December 8
10:00- 11:00 am (PST)
Online (Zoom details below)


Blending H2 with natural gas for cleaner gas combustion, or for the co-transmission in existing natural gas pipelines is a trending topic. This seminar elaborates on H2 recovery from HENG using a low-cost membrane-based process. The search for a low-carbon footprint separation technology is vital for the existing natural gas driven power stations that could be H2-intolerant, or for the recovery of pure H2 from a pipeline post a co-transmission process. The seminar will also elaborate on a limited window where the thermal-based cryogenic processes can be utilized for H2 separation.

H2 Selective Membrane      Process Flow

Dr. Yousif Alcheikhhamdon is a University of Victoria postdoc fellow, investigating the potential use of membrane-based gas separation technology to substitute some of the energy-intensive gas separations. Yousif is a process engineer by profession, with 12 years of experience in the natural gas industry. He graduated from UBC in 2021 with a PhD in Mechanical Engineering. His research investigated the use of MOFs (Metal-Organic Frameworks) in Mixed-Matrix Membranes in energy-intensive gas separation applications. Prior to that, he completed his MSc from KAUST's membrane center in 2011, and his BSc from the American University of Sharjah (2009). 


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