Living Without Oil series: Impact on Society of Life Without Oil

An Elder Academy Event

David Yager
Saturday, October 31
10:00am- 12:00pm
Online webinar (details below)

What better way to end the series “Living Without Oil” than to hear from an Albertan who has spent his life in the industry? Energy Policy Analyst and Oil & Gas Writer David Yager will bring a perspective grounded in the history of the industry and offer a viewpoint on how we will be challenged living in a world without oil. What is the vision for society as we move away from oil, and hydrocarbons in general?

A resident and native of Calgary, Alberta, David Yager was born into Alberta’s oil and gas industry. An entrepreneur since 1979, he has been a founder, executive and director of three successful TSX listed oilfield service companies. David’s journalism career began 40 years ago as co-owner of an oilfield trade magazine. For decades he has been analysing and writing about oil and gas, politics and energy policy. He remains a frequent contributor to trade publications, newspapers, radio and television and has written background papers and policy positions for oil service trade associations since 1991. He is the author of From Miracle to Menace: Alberta, A Carbon Story.

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Presented by the UVic Retirees Association.