Living Without Oil series: Energy Storage & Electrification

An Elder Academy Event

Andrew Rowe
Saturday, October 17
10:00am- 12:00pm
Online webinar (details below)

Numerous policy, technology, and market forces are driving the need for energy storage. Increased penetrations of variable energy sources are changing the structure and operation of electrical systems. Electrification of heating and transportation, and deployment of distributed energy resources such as PV, are altering historical patterns of net electricity demand. The flexibility provided by storage can help manage variable energy resources and respond to new and more dynamic loads. This seminar will examine various ways of providing energy storage and review grid-scale storage services and their characteristics. The economics of storage are presented with a focus on learning rates and projections of future costs.

Dr. Andrew Rowe is the Director of the Institute for Integrated Energy Systems and a Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Victoria, Canada. He served as an Engineering Officer in the Canadian Navy where he was involved in the operation and maintenance of propulsion, power generation and ancillary systems. He earned an M.A.Sc. degree for research on fuel cell performance modeling and went on to complete a Ph.D. in magnetic cycles for heat pumping and hydrogen liquefaction. His current research areas include energy system analysis, caloric cycles, electrification, hydrogen systems, and energy storage. Dr. Rowe is a member of the editorial board for Cryogenics, the scientific committee of THERMAG, a registered Professional Engineer in the province of British Columbia, and a member of the Electrochemical Society.

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Presented by the UVic Retirees Association, in partnership with IESVic