Living Without Oil series presentations: Low Carbon Electrification and Solar on Strata

The Living Without Oil Series: An Elder Academy Event


Thomas Hackney & Bruce Mackenzie

Saturday, March 7
10:00am – 12:00pm
David Turpin Building, Room A110

Low Carbon Electrification, the CleanBC Plan and BC Hydro

Presented by Thomas Hackney (BCSEA)

Low carbon electrification is now a significant energy policy driver in BC, motivated by an increasing awareness of climate change and increasing sense of urgency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The government is giving BC Hydro a key role to play in this potentially revolutionary change. The talk will sketch out the magnitude of new energy requirements and BC Hydro’s resources to meet them.

Tom Hackney is a policy expert specializing in high level energy transformation concepts, as well as utility regulation. As a founding director of the BC Sustainable Energy Association and now as Co-Chair of BCSEA’s Victoria Chapter, Tom is especially interested in finding what will best stimulate society and government to make the big changes that will minimize climate change and put us all on the road to sustainability. He has degrees in science and architecture.

Solar on Strata

Presented by Bruce Mackenzie (BCSEA)

In 2015, Central Park Strata owners decided to install 60 solar panels on the roof of their 1977 building in downtown Victoria. They have been making electricity for almost 5 years now. Bruce will describe the process, decisions, and results of this project.

Bruce Mackenzie has been a member of the Victoria Steering Committee of the BC Sustainable Energy Association since its formation in 2004. He has a passion for energy and anxiety about climate change.

Please register here.

Students attend free but, to secure a space, they must pre-register by emailing

The Living Without Oil series is presented by the UVic Retirees Association, in partnership with IESVic. Each of the series’ eight presentations is given by experts in their fields who will show us what the continued development of new technologies has to offer society and the climate.