IESVic Seminar: CO2 utilization, conversion, capture and 10 more reasons to love tiny pipes

Dr. David Sinton

Friday, June 3
1:00-2:00 pm (PDT)
Hybrid Event
In-person- ECS 660
Online- Zoom (details below)

 David Sinton Ad Image

I was fortunate to be a new faculty member in IESVic in the early 2000s. There I was introduced to electrochemical systems and opportunities for my specialty of microfluidics – the study and application of small-scale transport phenomena – in energy applications. This talk will outline my group’s work since. I’ll make the case that there is a role to play for the world’s smallest fluid technologies in addressing the world’s largest fluids challenge: global energy and CO2. In the area of CO2 utilization, I will outline the development of microfluidic and nanofluidic technologies to inform established CO2 utilization strategies in current energy operations – services now offered commercially to energy and chemical companies worldwide. In the area of CO2 conversion, I return to electrochemical systems with a focus on CO2 conversion to products. I will describe our work in electrocatalytic CO2 reduction employing nanoscale catalysts and microscale transport within large scale electrolyzer systems. Our focus here is on the efficient electroproduction of multi-carbon products – ethylene, ethanol, and propanol – from CO2 and renewable electricity. Our recent achievements will be highlighted along with learnings from developing and commissioning the world’s largest CO2 electrolyzer. I will also briefly outline our recent work on the upstream challenge, the direct air capture of CO2. The talk will close with a reflection on the energy transition challenge ahead and the renewed importance of energy security. 

 Zoom meeting link:

Meeting ID: 857 0841 5745
Password: 369894
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David Sinton Head ShotDr. David Sinton is a Professor and Canada Research Chair in the Department of Mechanical & Industrial Engineering at the University of Toronto. Prior to joining the University of Toronto, Dr. Sinton was an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair at the University of Victoria, and a Visiting Associate Professor at Cornell University. The Sinton Lab develops fluid systems for energy applications. The group is application-driven and is currently developing fluid systems to produce renewable fuels and feedstocks from CO2. The group previously developed a library of industrial fluid testing systems to improve chemical performance in the energy industry, now commercialized through the startup Interface Fluidics Ltd.  Dr. Sinton was selected to be an NSERC E.W.R. Steacie Memorial Fellow in 2016. He is also a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the Canadian Academy of Engineering.