IESVic webinar: The business case for Site C and its place in BC Hydro’s renewable energy portfolio

David Ince

Nov 4, 2020
2:00- 3:00 pm
Online webinar (Zoom, details below)

BC Hydro’s Site C hydroelectric project was approved for construction 5 years ago. Mr. Ince had a senior role at BC Hydro during that time, and his work was critical in obtaining the federal and provincial approvals for the project. Site C will substantially impact the BC energy landscape for decades to come- given recent developments, including the pandemic, does Site C still make sense? What are the alternatives? Will the electrification of the BC economy and transportation fleet require that we need more than Site C, and what should this be?

David Ince has 38 years of experience in the electricity and natural gas industries, primarily in long-term planning and energy procurement. Mr. Ince has a deep understanding of the electricity industry in Alberta, British Columbia and the Yukon. This includes the technical, regulatory, financial and political aspects of the industry.

He has designed and implemented green energy procurement programs for a major utility, and was most recently involved in designing green energy contracting rules and processes for the Yukon. While working for BC Hydro, Mr. Ince was a key participant in a number of energy procurement processes, including the clean and green power calls, the bioenergy call, and standing offer program.

Mr. Ince successfully testified 5 times before provincial and federal regulators with respect to the approval of energy projects including BC Hydro’s Site C hydroelectric project. In addition to many internal and provincial project reviews leading up to the ‘go’ decision, this process required Mr. Ince to testify before the joint provincial and federal review panel in 2014, leading to the successful approval of the project.

Mr. Ince is currently an intervenor in BC Hydro’s current Long Term Resource Plan, which will shape the future of the electricity industry in BC for decades to come.

Link to join Zoom meeting:  

Meeting ID: 847 9915 9712
Password: 028436