Developments in Wind Turbines- Offshore Versus Terrestrial

The Living Without Oil Series: An Elder Academy Event

Curran Crawford

Saturday, February 22
10:00am – 12:00pm
David Turpin Building, Room A110

Wind energy has emerged as a key low‐carbon electricity generation technology through progressive development starting in earnest in the 1970’s. Wind resources are widely distributed around the world, and, in some energy markets, are now onpar with conventional fossil fuel generation prices.

This talk will provide an overview of the wind resource and international electricity market relative to the integration of wind energy. It will explore the engineering drivers that have led to the emergence of the ‘Danish concept’ 3‐bladed wind turbine. Aspects of terrestrial wind energy deployments will be presented, including siting considerations and both global and systemic environmental impacts. We will look at developments in emerging technologies, starting with bottom‐mounted offshore turbines and the push toward floating offshore concepts, and consider the promises and challenges of airborne wind energy.

The presenter's bio and the full poster can be viewed here.

Presented by the UVic Retirees Association.

To register:‐part‐one‐tickets‐85417396733. Students may
register for free by emailing

This event is presented in partnership with IESVic.