IESVic webinar: Cleantech 2.0- What every entrepreneur needs to know

Aaron Fyke

Wednesday, June 16
1:00- 2:00 pm (PDT)
Online (Zoom details below)


Energy/Sustainability, Greentech, Cleantech, Climatetech - these are all names attempting to group together the multi-trillion dollar opportunities that deal with our energy system, our built infrastructure, and our global economy, as it moves to a low-carbon and more sustainable future.  The opportunities in this industry are bigger than any other industry, but the challenges of getting new technologies to market have been many.  This seminar discusses what about the industry is attractive, and what every entrepreneur in this space needs to focus on to be able to gain customers, attract investment, and ultimately succeed.

Aaron Fyke has spent over twenty years as an investor, engineer, and entrepreneur, having cofounded six companies in several technology areas including fuel cell, ocean power, concentrating solar, and energy storage. Aaron is an alumni of UVic and IESVic, he graduated with his BEng in Mechanical Engineering in 1995. He is currently Founder and Managing Partner of Thin Line Capital, bringing investment capital to bear on some of the world’s toughest problems in energy, water and food sustainability.  Companies which partner with Thin Line have capital efficient solutions that help the world either mitigate or adapt to the effects of climate change, participating in the biggest economic opportunity since the Industry Revolution.


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