Pulitzer Prize Winner Christopher Hedges is Coming to UVic

Christopher HedgesPulitzer Prize winning journalist and NY Times best-selling author, Christopher Hedges, will be our featured speaker during the CSRS's second John Albert Hall Public Lecture event in Spring 2019.

Hedges, one of North America's most prominent public intellectuals, will comment on the current state of religion and politics in the US in his free public lecture, "Christian Fascism and the Rise of Donald Trump." The talk will take place at UVic on January 17, 2019 from 5:00-6:20pm, in Hickman 105.

Hedges' perspective is shaped by decades of experience as a foreign correspondent in war-affected Central American and Middle-Eastern countries, ordination to social work and ministry in US prisons and critical engagement as an adjunct professor at some of North America's most renowned universities. His latest book, America: A Farewell Tour, was released in August, 2018.


For more information about this event, please visit our John Albert Hall events page.