BMC Series Blog: Alcohol Policies, Firearm Policies, and Suicide in the United States

Alcohol and firearms are commonly involved in suicide in the United States, and less restrictive alcohol and firearm policies are associated with excessive alcohol use and violent deaths, respectively. However, little is known about relationships between alcohol and firearm policies and suicides involving alcohol, firearms, or both. CISUR Director Tim Naimi and colleague Marlene Lira, authors of a study published today in BMC Public Health, find that more restrictive alcohol and firearm policies are associated with lower rates and odds of suicides involving alcohol or firearms, and alcohol and firearms.

Stronger alcohol and firearm policies are a promising means to prevent a leading and increasing cause of death in the U.S. The findings further suggest that strengthening both policy areas may have a synergistic impact on reducing suicides involving either alcohol, firearms, or both.

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