June 12: Alcohol and Cannabis: A Look at Washington State

We are pleased to present this free public talk by Dr. William C. Kerr, Director of the Alcohol Research Group's National Alcohol Research Center.

What: “Alcohol and Cannabis: A Look at Washington State”
Who: Visiting lecturer Dr. William C. Kerr from the National Alcohol Research Center
When: Tuesday, June 12 from 2 p.m.-3 p.m.
Where: Room 110, Harry Hickman Building (HHB), UVic

About the Talk
As cannabis legalization approaches and we see increasing deregulation of government controls on alcohol, Canada is at a pivotal time in policy-making around substance use. What can we learn from our neighbours to the south? In this lecture, Dr. William Kerr looks at privatization of alcohol sales and the legalization of cannabis in Washington State, and how these changes have affected pricing, attitudes and consumption.

About the Speaker
William Kerr, PhD, is a Senior Scientist and Director of ARG’s National Alcohol Research Center. He is recognized for his studies of alcohol measurement methods, age-period-cohort studies on drinking pattern trends, and mortality studies. One of his numerous projects is a study of the privatization of the Washington state liquor monopoly in 2012, which also investigates the impacts of marijuana legalization. Dr. Kerr is an Assistant Editor of Addiction, serves on the editorial board of Contemporary Drug Problems and on the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA) Public Health Advisory Board.

Note: If you are interested in streaming this presentation, please register by emailing farlow@uvic.ca.

a poster for a june 12 lecture