CISUR releases 2016/17 annual report

CISUR (formerly CARBC)  is pleased to announce the release of its 2016/17 annual report. Advisory board chair Micheal J. Prince writes:

Our network of dedicated and hardworking staff, expert researchers and dazzling students, and invaluable community research and funding partners, have had an outstanding year of achievements. Among the myriad highlights at CARBC, I wish to mention the following:

  • 30 graduate students under supervision from faculty in multiple relevant disciplines (with success in applying for external scholarships)
  • $3.3 million in new funding
  • 99 peer-reviewed publications in high quality journals
  • the five-year external review of the Centre was successfully completed, which had many complimentary things to say about our work and its wide impact and also raised concerns about taking steps urgently needed to renew and refresh the CARBC academy as several CARBC-affiliated faculty approach retirement
  • 545 stories generated in the traditional media, including numerous interviews for CBC Radio and TV and national papers such as The Globe and Mail
  • a growing social media presence through our Twitter and Facebook accounts

Read the 2016/17 annual report here.