Seminar: Friday, February 26, 2016: Dr. Brock Smith

TITLE:                        Evaluating New Venture Ideas

SPEAKER:                  Dr. Brock Smith

DATE:                         Friday, February 26, 2016

TIME:                         11:00 – 13:00 (including networking over lunch)

LOCATION:               ECS 660 


This one hour session will focus on the criteria that investors use when evaluating early stage business plans.  Investors evaluate the product, the market, the strategy, the people, and the financing of a new venture.  They consider different aspects of those five key elements at different stages of venture development.  Knowing what investors look for you can make more effective venture presentations and write more effective business plans.  Dr. Brock Smith is the area champion for Entrepreneurship at UVic’s Gustavson School of Business and Academic Director of UVic’s Innovation Centre for Entrepreneurs.

Seminar Notice