Seminar: May 7, 2015, Dr. Patrick C. Lee

TITLE: Advanced Manufacturing Technology for Smart and Lightweight Polymeric and Hybrid Materials

SPEAKER: Dr. Patrick C. Lee, School of Engineering, University of Vermont

DATE: Thursday, May 7th, 2015

TIME: 10:30  – 11:30 am

LOCATION: Engineering Office Wing (EOW), Room 430

Abstract: In this presentation, I will discuss my past and current research on advanced manufacturing technology to develop multiphase nano-structured smart and lightweight polymeric and hybrid materials with synergistic properties and multifunctionality. These polymers and hybrid materials can have variety of applications in lightweight, sustainable and renewable energy, automotive and aerospace, biomedical, electronics, sensors, and food and electronics packaging areas. My research topics and vision include the fabrication and processing of smart and lightweight polymers and composite systems, characterization of these polymer/composite system properties, correlation of micro- and nano-morphological variations with macro-polymer/composite properties, and multiphysics analytical and numerical modeling of these material systems. The research on these materials, their processing, and properties is well aligned with industry megatrends in renewable energy, sustainability, clean water, health, smart infrastructure & construction.