PCAMM 2017

PCAMM 2017 is happening on Saturday, December 9, 2017 here at UVic.  All CAMTEC members are encouraged to attend. 


University of Victoria - MacLaurin Building A144 (David Lam Auditorium)

Date:  Saturday, December 9, 2017

Time:  10:00 am - 5:00 pm


Poster Program

The Pacific Centre for Advanced Materials and Microstructures (PCAMM) brings together world-class expertise and sophisticated materials research infrastructure at The University of British Columbia, Simon Fraser University, and The University of Victoria.  This collaborative venture seeks to ensure that developments in materials growth, fabrication, and characterization at the three universities are optimized both in terms of people and resources for the entire region.  Exceptional research outcomes are achieved through collaboration among research groups with complementary expertise; this philosophy, which is common in industry and government, has been adopted within PCAMM.  PCAMM is based on complementary laboratories whose directors are committed to maintaining the equipment at the highest levels, both for their own individual research programs and for the research of others.  In this way, PCAMM creates a unique centre for materials research that is internationally competitive and capable of addressing some of the most important contemporary materials research issues.


Registration is now closed.

Over the past 21 years, PCAMM has been a great venue for BC-based researchers to exchange ideas, form collaborations, and disseminate their work. Posters and the corresponding abstracts are solicited in broad areas of advanced materials, microstructures and processing. 

Please use our poster abstract template.

The maximum poster dimensions are: 3.5 ft (106.68 cm) x 3.5 ft (106.68 cm)


Awards will be presented for the best student / postdoc posters at PCAMM 2017.  Awardees are selected on site (posters not attended at their scheduled time will not be considered) and award recipients will be announced at the end of the conference.

Lightning Pitches Information, (Scheduled for 1:30 - 2:00 pm) 

We have been developing methods to bring more of the Materials Science and Engineering community together into fruitful partnerships. It has become clear to us that many of the local researchers in chemistry, physics and engineering have capabilities that would benefit from those of others. The problem lies in identifying who has what capabilities and know-how. One approach would be to assemble a database, which would be challenging and time consuming. We believe a better initial approach is to give interested researchers 2-3 minutes to briefly explain who they are and what they need. These ‘lightning pitches’ are used effectively in the venture communities to bring people together, and we see no reason they would not be equally effective for creating research partnership.

The inaugural Materials Science and Engineering ‘Lightning Pitch’ session will be held at this year's PCAMM meeting, 1:30 - 2:00 pm.

A template has been provided, along with an example. Anyone who is looking to forge new partnership and interested in presenting should send a completed template by Thursday, December 7 to .