Two IALH Researchers Receive Funding in the UVic Aspiration Research Cluster Program

Congratulations to IALH Research Fellow Hector Caruncho (Division of Medical Sciences) for being awarded an Aspiration 2030 Research Cluster grant. The Mental Health Cluster will co-develop novel research venues to improve mental wellbeing, foster prevention, promote recovery in individuals experiencing mental disorders and decrease/eliminate the stigma associated with these disorders.

Congratulations to IALH Research Fellow Stephanie Willerth (Mechanical Engineering and Division of Medical Sciences) and co-lead Ian Manners (Chemistry) for also being awarded an Aspiration 2030 Research Cluster grant. The Nanotherapeutics Cluster will harness the expertise, knowledge and technologies from a diverse combination of interdisciplinary researchers to translate nanoparticle-based therapeutics into clinical and commercial applications.

To see more about the program and the clusters, see