How the social determinants of health shape end of life experiences for vulnerable population and their care providers

Have you heard about this innovative study led by one of our research affiliates, Dr. Kelli Stajduhar? Equitable Access to Care for People with Life Limiting Conditions is a study that looks at the end of life experiences for people who are structurally vulnerable – those who face uncertain housing, poverty, stigmatization, and other barriers to quality of life. This population has a high burden of illness and yet faces barriers to accessing health care services. At end of life, some people are able to receive specialized palliative care, but many more will die in acute care, on the street, in vehicles, or in shelters or temporary housing. Dr. Stajduhar and Ashley Mollison, the study’s project coordinator, recently presented at the European Association of Palliative Care World Congress – follow the link to read more about the health and social care system barriers that can create a “lifetime of injustice.”

Visit the Studies in Palliative and End of Life Care website for more information.