Delay: Annual Reports & Statements

Due to circumstances out of our control, Combination Pension Plan and Money Purchase Pension Plan financial statements and annual reports are delayed this year. 

Plan member annual statements and the 2021 Annual Report for the Plan will be mailed later this Spring.

We expect Plan members will receive these packages early in June. Financial statements for the Plans will also be published on our website at that time.

For pensioners, statements and election forms are proceeding on schedule. Internal Variable Annuity (IVA) pension statements will be sent late in June. Variable Benefit (VB) pension election forms were sent to pensioners at the end of February. Any as-yet-unreturned VB election forms should be sent back to Pension Services as soon as possible.

The Annual General Meeting of the Combination Pension Plan and Money Purchase Plan will now take place late in June. Full details on the meeting will be included in your statement package and will also be made available on this website.

Please note that while the mailing reports of is delayed from our typical timelines, member statements and reports are being issued within the window of time outlined in regulations.

The Pension Services team continues to focus on providing timely and professional services to Plan members at all phases of their participation in the Plans. There have been no delays to pension services or payments.

Plan members requiring specific information about their pension are welcome to contact the Pension Services Office at any time, by email at or by telephone (250-721-7030).

We apologize for the delay and thank you for your understanding.