Librarian Courtney Lundrigan thrives on atypical days


Interview conducted by Talia Greene, Young Canada Works intern

As the new Head of Engagement and Learning, what does your role entail? What does a typical day look like for you?

I just began my job in September, so I’m still getting up to speed on all things UVic Libraries. So far, I’m pretty involved in thinking strategically about our research help services for students, including anything we can do to make them even better. We have a lot of expertise here amongst library workers and getting the message out to students and faculty about it is something that I spend a lot of time thinking about. I work closely with our Director of Engagement and Learning, subject liaison librarians, and Learning Commons partners to ensure our students are having the best possible experience in their learning and research at UVic. I’m working on a range of things, but those areas are top of mind for me right now.

As for a typical day, one of my favourite things about being a librarian is that it’s rare for a day to be typical. The variety of projects and responsibilities was one of the selling points for me in working in libraries. Since arriving at UVic, I’ve been into everything from participating in Thunderfest, teaching first-year classes, planning events, and supporting projects that have us engaging directly with students.

Where have you worked previously before coming to UVic?

Before coming to UVic, I spent almost 10 years working at the Graham Library at Trinity College (University of Toronto). It is a smaller environment where I received the benefit of being part of a large university system, but had the opportunity to deeply integrate into student academic life at the college level. The students were doing a lot of exciting research, and supporting them was one of the most rewarding things about being a librarian. I also spent a few years working at York University and Toronto Metropolitan University (formerly Ryerson) prior to that.

You’re new to Victoria. Any favourite spots you’ve discovered in Victoria so far for things to do/see/eat?

Victoria really is a special place and I love it here so far. My colleagues have been extremely generous in sharing their knowledge of the city. It’s a little early to pick favourites, but walking near the water and eating delicious seafood is the frontrunner. I’m on a mission to find the best fish and chips in Victoria, but I don’t have enough data to draw a reasonable conclusion yet. I won’t say no to a ginger cake from Dutch Bakery. I have been filling my home with goodies from Vi Plant Shop. My challenge is remembering that I have lots of time to explore and I don’t need to do everything all at once. I am still happily accepting recommendations.

What are some of your interests beyond libraries?

I have a few hobbies that keep me quite busy outside of work. I learned to sew relatively recently and am probably a little too ambitious with my projects. Please be kind if you see me proudly wearing things that are clearly the product of a beginner sewist. I am also looking forward to getting back to some long-distance triathlon training when I’m a little more settled.

What TV show or book are you enjoying at the moment and what do you like about it?

I just finished Succession and it was very intense, so I’m keeping it light with some tried-and-true TV reruns right now. I’m currently reading Nightcrawling by Leila Mottley.

Contact Courtney.