Law Student recieves national Aboriginal award

UVic law student Elizabeth Zarpa is receiving national recognition for her contributions to the Canadian Inuit community. She is one of three youth award recipients in the 2013 Indspire Awards, previously called the National Aboriginal Achievement Awards. Zarpa will receive the Inuit Youth Award at a gala event Feb. 15, 2013, in Saskatoon. "This award shows I'm on the right track. I feel honoured to be surrounded by such high achievers," says Zarpa. "I am humbled and thankful for this opportunity to be among such an amazing group of dedicated people." Other award winners among 14 total recipients include: BC's Shawn A-in-chut Atleo, the AFN national chief, in the education category; and former NHL player Theoren Fleury of Manitoba, in the sports category.

Zarpa, a 25-year-old from Labrador, is currently a Juris Doctor candidate for 2015 at UVic. She chose UVic over other institutions—she was accepted at several law schools— "because UVic is seen as a progressive school for Indigenous students," and she began studying here in September, following a summer in the Program of Legal Studies for Native People at the University of Saskatchewan College of Law.

Read the full story here.