Monsef: 'You are the most powerful generation'


Minister of Status of Women Maryam Monsef dropped by Gender Studies 100 in November.

Monsef, who arrived in Canada at age 11 as a refugee with her mother and two sisters, is the first Afghan Canadian to hold a seat in Parliament and the first woman to represent her riding of Peterborough-Kawartha in Ottawa.

“These firsts are painful but if other people see me and say, ‘If she can do it, I can do it too,’ that’s a big deal for me and our country,” she said.

Monsef, who is travelling to promote new gender equality measures included in the Trudeau government's Bill-C86, encouraged students to take a stand on issues.

“You are the most powerful generation to have ever lived,” she said.

“Your voices carry a lot of weight. When you speak up, the world listens and leaders in this country certainly listen.”