Humanities introduces new cohort program and residence community

Humanities First program launch

Thirty-five high-achieving students will be admitted next academic year into a new Humanities First cohort program that focuses on human rights, identity and social justice issues.

The new program, which starts in 2018-19, will include courses in English, philosophy, history, and gender studies. Students will share classes with a group of dedicated students, including special courses on Germany's response to the refugee crisis and the history of human rights. 

Dean Chris Goto-Jones says the group will learn what it means to be a student of the Humanities in our contemporary world.

"The new cohort program in the Humanities adds a special element of experiential learning for students excited about building their own learning communities and sharing these experiences with like-minded peers," Goto-Jones says. "It’s a new opportunity for our students, and I’m excited to see what they make of it."

Also next fall, the faculty will welcome students to a new Living Learning Community in residence, designed especially for Humanities students. Students admitted into the residence will share core values related to the Humanities, including creativity, justice, human dignity and a commitment to making humanity better through education and social action.

Writing and study groups, career workshops and events that connect students with professors outside the classroom will be among activities organized for the Living Learning Community. Associate Dean Academic Lisa Surridge says the faculty is thrilled to offer the opportunity for Humanities students to live as a group in residence.

"We hope that class topics will spill over into dorms as members of the Humanities Class of 2022 study and debate together about the topics that fascinate them," Surridge says.