Stained Glass Workshop - Nov 7

The Medieval Studies Course Union is very pleased to announce a very special workshop we are offering this fall on stained glass, taught by local stained glass master Ed Schaefer. It will take place on Saturday Nov. 7 from 1:00 until 4:00 and will be free of charge to students. Some refreshments will be provided.

The Workshop: Over three hours, you will be introduced to the history and basic concepts, methods and craft of stained glass from the Middle Ages to the present. There will be some hands-on work with materials, and students will participate in scoring and cutting glass, shaping lead, and assembling a small stained glass window as a group. Some questions considered will be: What is "stained" glass? Why was it important, and what was it used for? How the glass itself made? How is stained glass used and conserved today? There will also be opportunities for discussion and questions.

The Instructor: Local Stained Glass Master Edward Schaefer, of Mercer and Schaefer Glass Studio of Victoria. He has been active with heritage preservation in Victoria for over thirty years. Both independently and collaboratively, Ed Schaefer and Tom Mercer have removed, restored and reinstalled thousands of leaded glass and stained glass windows from hundreds of Victoria heritage buildings. These range from the simple diamond glazed windows of modest bungalows to the gems of Craigdarroch Castle and the collections of English stained glass windows present in many Victoria churches.

He has designed and implemented Stained Glass Conservation Plans for some of Victoria’s architectural landmarks including the BC Legislature Buildings, Craigdarroch Castle and Christ Church Cathedral. As a glass artist, he has designed, fabricated and installed new leaded/stained glass windows for residential, commercial, secular and ecclesiastic buildings in Victoria and beyond. Among these new works, 3 windows have been dedicated by visiting royalty including, the Legislature Buildings, Christ Church Cathedral, and Government House. Schaefer and Mercer have been recognized repeatedly for their work both as artists and in heritage preservation.

Registration: All participants must register beforehand. Space is limited, and we cannot guarantee everyone a spot. Please register early if you would like to participate by contacting with the subject heading: "Workshop Registration: [your name]". We will be operating a waitlist if registration is full. The MSCU plans on holding additional workshops in the spring to give students another chance to participate.