Graduate student internship opportunity

Graduate Internship opportunity in the field of European Studies/ Support for outreach and networking activities

The EUCAnet project at UVic invites applications for a graduate student internship. The internship is sponsored by the Canada-Europe Transatlantic Dialogue, a project that involves a consortium of Canadian universities to develop academic networks and programs to disseminate research findings to practitioners and civil society in the fields of EU/contemporary European studies and  Europe-Canada relations. This initiative is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) under the Strategic Knowledge Clusters program.

Applicants must be currently enrolled in a graduate program, and preference will be given to applicants who have experience or expertise in European Studies and/or journalism and social media.

This position is a part-time position during the academic year. The successful candidate will also be provided with the opportunity to spend two to four months as an intern with a partner institution in Europe during the spring or summer months.

Applications must include:

  • a letter of application, explaining your interest in the position, relevant experience or qualifications, and how the internship will fit into your academic or career plans.
  • a transcript covering the two most recent years of study
  • a resume

Read more here.