Global Talk:"European Memory: Conflicts of Commemoration Across and Beyond Borders" with Dr. Ken Foote


"European Memory: Conflicts of Commemoration Across and Beyond Borders" with Dr. Ken Foote

WHEN: Wednesday, Mar 25, 2015
TIME: 10:30  to 11:30am
WHERE: Sedgewick C168 (Large Boardroom)
DETAILS: Public memory is often studied in terms of how a nation marks and celebrates significant historical sites and moments of their pasts.  But Europe's twentieth century record of war, revolution, genocide and the Holocaust, population expulsions, and territorial rearrangements means that, for some countries, important sites of memory can lie outside their own national boundaries. What happens when Ukrainians wish to remember their war dead in Finland or Hungarians wish to commemorate soldiers that died in the Ukraine?  In this presentation Dr. Foote uses a variety of examples to consider some of these often-sensitive and usually highly contested issues of memory stretch across national borders.

Dr. Foote is a Professor and Head of the Department of Geography at the University of Connecticut. His research interests in cultural geography focus on issues of how events of violence and tragedy are marked (or not marked) in landscape.