Global connections: Critical Holocaust education in a time of transition conference

The "Global connections: Critical Holocaust education in a time of transition" conference will be held at UVic from September 1st to 3rd. 

The conference will pose critical questions about the relevance and impact of Holocaust education in today's world, seventy years after the end of WWII. 

The conference will be held in the David Lam Auditorium, MacLaurin A144, on Septmeber 1st (from 8:45am to 5:15 pm) and 2nd (from 9:00am to 4:45pm); on September 3rd (from 9:00am to 5:15pm), the conference will be held in the Phillip T Young Recital Hall. 

There will also be a special film screening of "Carl Lutz - The forgotten hero" on September 2nd, at 7pm, at the Vic Theatre, 808 Douglas st. 

You can register for the conference online.