Community-University Engagement in Canada and the UK, a presentation by David Wolff

The Community University Partnership Program at the University of Brighton has been a global leader in community-university research and engagement for 12 years. UVic has been inspired by their work for many years and is now developing a longer-term partnership with them  to support each other’s campus and community programs within the broader global context.  UVic is welcoming the Executive Director of CUPP David Wolff  to UVic  on Friday May 22nd  as part of the creation of a UVIC- University of Brighton partnership coordinated by CUPP and UVic’s Institute for Studies and Innovation in Community-University Engagement (ISICUE ) with core support  and funding from the  European Union Centre of Excellence at the Centre for Global Studies.

The presentation will be given in the Campus View Room of the Cadboro Bay Commons Building, from 12:30 to 2pm. This event is co-sponsored by the EUCE at UVic, and the Institute for Studies and Innovation in Community University Engagement.

The event is free and open to the public. Please RVSP to


Welcome - Opening Remarks by UVic’s Vice President Research, Dr. David Castle and Norah McRae, Executive Director of UVic’s Cooperative Education and Career Services

Presentation by David Wolff, Executive Director of the Community University Partnership Program at the University of Brighton -  David will focus on the work of CUPP including their history, approach, lessons learned  over time and their vision for the future for their work including the potential value of global partnerships.

Community and university respondents include Ron Rice from the  BC Association of Aboriginal Friendship Centres and Linda Geggie, Coordinator of the Capital Region Food and Agriculture Initiatives Roundtable and Dr. Budd Hall - Co-Chair, UNESCO Chair in Community-Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education – UVic Professor of Community Development – School of Public Administration;