Qualicum Auction!

The much anticipated Qualicum History Conference Auction will take place on Tuesday, November 20th at the Graduate Student Lounge. The doors will open at 5:30 pm and the live auction will begin at 6:30. Come at 5:30, order something to eat and drink, and browse through the many items on the auction tables.

The Graduate History Student Union (GHSU) hosts this annual auction to raise funds in support of student participation in the Qualicum History Conference taking place early in the new year.

In the past years there have been great items on which to bid, such as:

- Hotel and restaurant gift certificates
 - Movie and sporting events passes
 - Home-baked goods
 - Hand-made works of art
 - Books galore!
 - Concert and theatre tickets
 - Wine, beer and spirits!          

This is just a taste of what to expect for this year.

Please “like” Qualicum History Conference on facebook and spread the word!

Please put November 20th on your calendar and plan to attend this fun evening. Contact Peter Cook (cookp@uvic.ca) or Andrea Feary (history1@uvic.ca) if you have any questions.