A Lead Up to War? Panel Discussion On U.S.-Iranian Relations

This is panel discussion on the history of U.S.-Iranian relations and Iran's nuclear program being put on by the History Undergraduates Society and the UVic Students Middle East Dialogue Group.

Monday March 5, 2012

Michel Pujol Room, Student Union Building, 1:00 - 2:30 PM

We are very excited about the panelists who have agreed to be involved!

Dr. Greg Blue will be speaking on Iran's history from World War II up until the Iranian Revolution of 1979.

Dr. Martin Bunton will be discussing the Iranian nuclear program, examining the extent to which the concerns that Iran may be weaponizing are well-founded.

Dr. Peyman Vahabzadeh will shed light on aspects of U.S.-Iranian relations since the Revolution, and discuss how Iranians view the United States.

Dr. Jason Colby will discuss further the relations between the United States and Iran since the Revolution, in context of the current state of affairs.

Please join us for this exciting event!