History Grad is Putting the Oral History Skills to Work

 Panj River, Badakhshan Province. [Photo credit: Faelan Lundeberg]

Panj River, Badakhshan Province. Photo credit: Faelan Lundeberg

Recent History grad Faelan Lundeberg is putting the oral history skills he learned in his MA to work in Afghanistan and Tajikistan. Faelan is collecting oral histories in Afghanistan’s Badakhshan Province for a local renewable energy NGO.

Faelan says “Badakhshan is very much not what people imagine when they think of Afghanistan. It’s largely peaceful with lots of waterfalls and beautiful, although increasingly snowy, mountain terrain. The people are incredibly generous. It’s been a really humbling experience.”

Faelan’s article about his MA research with South African Struggle veterans can be read in the Graduate History Review: https://journals.uvic.ca/index.php/ghr