Lansdowne Lecture

Please join us for this public lecture!

Dr. Ian McKay
Professor of History,
Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario

Idealists, Politicians and Patriotism: The Contested Terrain of War and Peace in Canada, 1918 – 1939

Thursday, 29 January
David Turpin Building, Room A102

Professor Ian McKay is the author of studies of Atlantic Canada, social justice movements, and tourism.  His “Liberal Order Framework” has encouraged Canadian historians to rethink Canadian history, and with Jamie Swift he recently published Warrior Nation: Rebranding Canada in an Age of Anxiety, a critical examination of Canada’s turn away from peacekeeping towards a more militaristic stance.  His current project, Vimy Traps: How Canadians Remember and Forget the First World War will provide an equally critical examination of the centenary-fueled fascination with the War of 1914-18.