New Cafe Historique Series - Spring 2017

This spring, we’ve got a great line-up planned with three talks on the theme of “Marking Anniversaries”. 2017 is a year of commemoration: it’s been 500 years since the Protestant Reformation (1517), 150 years since Confederation (1867) and 100 years since the Battle for Vimy Ridge (1917). These are the themes that have inspired our speakers.

Our next event will be March 7.  Lynne Marks, Penny Bryden and Christine O’Bonsawin will discuss what Confederation meant for different groups, including women and indigenous peoples, and in April, David Zimmerman will be speaking on the 100th anniversary of Vimy Ridge, a battle so significant for the making of our country that the land on which the memorial stands was ceded to Canada by the French government.  On May 2 Mitch Lewis-Hammond will take us back to 1517 and the birth of the Protestant Reformation, and describe how both sides used a revolutionary new communications medium – print – to wage war in the battle for souls.

Why do we commemorate? What does it mean to mark historical anniversaries? Come to Hermann’s Jazz Club for an enjoyable evening of investigation and discussion in a classy, convivial atmosphere. Doors open at 5pm; talks begin at 6:30.

Tickets for Tuesday March 7 - Confederation: Insiders, Outsiders and Those in Between

Tickets for Tuesday April 4 - Vimy at 100: The Battle for Vimy Ridge and the Making of Canada

Tickets for Tuesday May 2 - The First Media War: The Protestant Reformation and the Power of Print

Please contact if you need assistance.

Cafe Historique

Cafe Historique