CAVI Lecture: Professor Wade Richardson, Thursday, 19 Oct. @ 7:30 pm, CLE A212

Classical Association of Vancouver Island

The second meeting of the 2017-18 Academic year will take place on Thursday, 19 October at 7:30 pm in Clearihue, A212.

Professor Wade Richardson (McGill/ UVic) will present a lecture entitled, “'Quid me, puer unice, fallis?' (Ovid Met.3.454). Narcissus and the Debate on Homoromantic Mutuality.”

The Classical Association of Vancouver Island is UVic’s organization for people interested in the Greek and Roman worlds. Monthly lectures by local and international scholars take place at UVic. Everyone is welcome. To join CAVI and be on our mailing list, please send your name, contact information (address/email), and membership dues (10$/year, cheques payable to CAVI):

CAVI – Department of Greek and Roman Studies
PO Box 1700 STN CSC Victoria, BC V8W 2Y2

For more information, please contact: Dr. Brendan Burke, Chair, Department of Greek and Roman Studies (

Free and open to the public.

If you would like to join CAVI and be on our mailing list, please contact; membership dues are 10$\year.