Tribe and Rite Conference

Metal culture celebrates the wild, the grotesque, and the forbidden; This conference explored various aspects of the topic through an academic lens. In addition to the feast for the mind, the conference climaxed with crushing heavy metal performances.

We would like to thank the following for their funding of the conference:

  • The department of English
  • The UVSS
  • Faculty of the Humanities
  • VP Academic Research
  • The Department of Philosophy
  • The Department of Psychology

And Dr. Shamma Boyarin faculty advisor.

We would also like to thank the CFUV radio station and the McPherson Library for their support with the event.

“The South of Heaven Symposium was a fantastic gathering of metal fans and scholars. It’s living proof that metal music has become one of the richest sources of pop culture debate and discussion in recent years. It was a pleasure to be a part of the event \m/” – Sam Dunn