“Academic Ableism and Its Alternatives”

The Academic and Technical Writing Program is presenting a Lansdowne Talk and Seminar at the University of Victoria on September 27, 2022.  Jay Dolmage is committed to disability rights in his scholarship, service, and teaching. He is the author of Disability Rhetoric (Syracuse University Press, 2014), Academic Ableism: Disability and Higher Education (Michigan University Press, 2017), and Disabled Upon Arrival: Eugenics, Immigration, and the Construction of Race and Disability (Ohio State University Press, 2018).

Lansdowne Lecture

“Academic Ableism and Its Alternatives”

By disability rights and writing studies scholar, Dr. Jay Dolmage

Sept 27, 2022, 6:00 – 7:00 pm | HHB 105

Presented by the Academic and Technical Writing Program

In this interactive talk, we will collaborate to address the ableist attitudes, policies, and practices that are built into higher education. We will also interrogate the minimal and temporary means we have been given to address inequities, and the cost such an approach has for disabled students and faculty. We will then work together to share and develop strategies and tools for a much more accessible classroom and campus. Register in advance for this webinar: https://uvic.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_MnIIUH8ESO-5NZ3E_vhKpw


Lansdowne Student Seminar

"Empire, Education, Eugenics"

By disability rights and writing studies scholar, Dr. Jay Dolmage

Sept 27, 2022      

10:00 – 11:20 am | CLE A330, followed by Lunch

Presented by the Academic and Technical Writing Program
All undergraduate and graduate students are invited to join Dr. Jay Dolmage for a discussion on the connections between eugenics and higher education and for a collaborative mapping of campus spaces and histories.  Please register in advance for this seminar: atwpadmin@uvic.ca