Beyond the Ivory Tower: Knowledge, community and the UN sustainable development goals

Budd HallBudd Hall is the Keynote Speaker at The Socially Responsive University: Knowledge Democracy & Community Engagement Forum, hosted by the Centre for Critical Development Studies at the University of Toronto. 

This public forum is intended for dialogues and conversations about the roles of the university in community-engaged learning and research, and how such engagements could lead to meaningful partnerships between universities and the communities, particularly with regards to addressing development issues.

It is clear that there is an important role for higher education institutions to play in addressing sustainable development goals. Dr. Budd Hall will make the argument that among the contribution that universities may make, that a critical contribution involves thinking about knowledge, how knowledge is constructed and by whom. He will share ideas about a recently launched Knowledge for Change Global Consortium for Training in Community Based Participatory Research.

See the Forum's site for more information and registration.