Call for Post-Docs: Borders in Globalization

PROJECT SUMMARY: Borders in Globalization is a network of academic partners in Border Studies from Canada, the United States, Latin America, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East which is engaged with non-academic partners involved in the management of borders and borderlands in Canada and worldwide. The goal is to build excellence in the knowledge and understanding of borders. The University of Victoria hosts BIG.

POSITION SUMMARY: The University of Victoria invites applications for two Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Border Studies at the School of Administration and the Center for Global Studies under the supervision of Prof. Emmanuel Brunet-Jailly. These fellowships provide individuals the opportunity to be integrated into an international network of scholars. Job responsibilities focus around publications (book series, special journal issues, etc.) for the research program and include: reviewing, editing and contributing to publications of research prepared by the worldwide members of the BIG research program. Other duties may include: teaching online courses; and organizing conferences, workshops, seminars and summer schools. The PDF is also expected to present his/her research twice yearly, and to publish at least one original research paper under the aegis of BIG.

See here for more information, requirements and how to apply.